If you are working in an office which restricts your internet movement, you most definitely will need to harp on a proxy server, and in my opinion, UltraSurf beats the rest by a long distance.
The best part is that it is an application that runs on Windows, but leaves no trails. If you can smuggle this piece of software to your office workstation, it can run directly without any installation and entries to the registry. Awesome!
All this said, I don’t use UltraSurf or any other proxy server. Duh! Yep, I am talking the talk but not walking the walk. I believe that if an organization has put in place certain policies, they are to be complied with, as against rules are meant to be broken. And, my policy is to adhere to all the organization’s policies to the best of my knowledge.
I seem to be going off on a different tangent. Coming back to UltraSurf, you don’t need configure the app if you are using the most hated browser in the world – IE. I had earlier written a blurb on configuring UltraSurf on Firefox and other non-IE browsers.
Let me know if you have discovered something better than UltraSurf.