
Start Button is Back in Windows 8.1

Microsoft has heard millions of users crib about the button that defined Windows over other operating systems. They have considered what consumers want and have announced the bringing back of the start button in Windows 8.1. But…

There is a catch. The start button is not the same as what we are used to up until Windows 7. It is dummy. It will not open up windows for us to browse through our choices. It will instead turn the black background of the icon purple, and clicking will bring the user to the modern UI upon moving the cursor over the button.

While Microsoft took out the start button, third party companies such as Samsung and Pokki brought it in. For the record, the Pokki start button has been downloaded 3 million times and it is clicked at least 30 million times a day.

At the end of the day, Microsoft just got closer to users who were flabbergasted with the missing icon that was the starting or the ending medium for all computing actions.

Apart from the start button, there are some design changes as well. In Windows 8, the icon that appears in the corner is an analog of the Start screen, but in Windows 8.1 it becomes the same angled Windows logo seen in the charms menu, the keyboard and other places.

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