Your company provides specialized IT support services for firmware upgrades. Your country’s government has passed regulations stating that firmware of all telecommunication equipment must be upgraded to support IPv6. The government has approached your company to upgrade the firmware of all installed equipment at the major airports in the country. For your company, this project is a result of which of the following:
A.) Market demand
B.) Strategic opportunity
C.) Customer request
D.) Legal requirement
Question provided by The PM Exam Simulator:
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: C)
This is a tricky scenario and the answer is at first a bit surprising. Let’s look at this from the point of view of both the government and your company:
> The government approached your company to do this project because they are bound by their own regulations. So for the government, this project was initiated as a result of their own legal requirement
> For your company, however, the project is initiated by a customer request.
Remember that you don’t own the airports nor the equipment installed there so you don’t have a legal requirement to update the firmware. The government, on the other hand, owns the airports/equipment and is therefore asking you to perform this update. In this case, the government is a customer like any other customer and you are doing this project as result of their request.
Reference: PMBOK Guide 5th Edition, page 69
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