
Breathing Series : Have you felt your Breath?

Previously on breathing series : Communication starts with your breath.

Breathing is involuntary. Breathing is unique. Breathing happens on its own; we don’t have to remember or stay attentive to our breathing process. I am sure you know all of it.

The problem my friend is that it happens on its own to keep you alive and not use the oxygen it serves to fire your power arms.

Unless and until you feel the process of breathing, there is no way in hell that you can galvanize it to your own benefit.

Now that I have put my weight behind the importance of feeling the process, here is exactly how you get in touch with it.

1. Lock your bedroom door so that nobody is there to bother you in the reuniting experience.

2. Lie on your bed, head on a pillow, flat on your back, hands on your side and feet rested on the bed.

3. Take a deep breath and feel the air fill your lungs.

4. You will also feel your tummy expand.

5. Now breathe out slowly.

6. Exhale for as long as you can. Feel your tummy shrink back to its original position.

7. Repeat the process.

8. As you consciously feel your breath, you will also notice other parts of your body respond to the process.

In my next segment, I will throw more light on breathing and how you can engage it for your own good.

Read my book Workshop in a Box : Communication Skills for IT Professionals for an all-round experience on improving your communication skills.

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