In IT, even if we are in the technical specializations, we will end up writing a document that supports the technical work.
Most of us use Microsoft Word to draft the documents and the items that are thin red lined are corrected or ignored. We are satisfied after proof-ing the thin red lines that are our document is free of spelling and grammatical errors.
I have come to realize through bad experiences that Microsoft Word’s functionality in picking up spelling errors is immaculate but fails in its grammar capabilities. It does not identify mistakes pertaining to usage of articles in sentences, and conjugations (has and have).
I generally proofread my articles and documents that I intend to publish to the audience. I recommend that anyone in writing industry needs to accept custom assignment help from time to time. I was racing against timelines sometime back and forgot to proofread some of the documents and the results were tormenting. I had made some grammatical errors that are generally passable, but not to the main stakeholder who intended to make it an official record.
Long story short, I regretted submitting a document that was half baked. It was my dutiful responsibility to re-read and correct grammar and readability issues.
When I write, I don’t like to lose the flow so I just blabber on, squeezing all my thoughts into my writing. After putting down everything that is in my head, I re-frame sentences and address other issues that I discussed earlier.
Since I do plenty of writing, especially during the closure phase of projects, proofreading my documents is a headache that I wish to avoid.
I know that it is impossible but still I tried to simplify the process. I found an application called Ginger that proofreads your documents and it is my experience that it can identify all grammatical errors. It nicely integrates with Microsoft Word and a free version is available with limited functionality – but sufficient for a normal IT professional. With Ginger, you can concentrate on readability and the flow, and not worry about the principles of grammar.
There are others as well in the market that I tried, but found Ginger to be the best of them all.