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Futuristic India Shining: A Possibility

I am a dreamer. Dreams become reality when there is a conscientious effort to move collectively towards it. I called this post a parody originally, but later, I was like – what the heck, it can happen, it’s not a parody, but a possibility. Provided…

Here are some changes that are bound to happen if India starts to shine. The concourse of the changes may seem tongue-in-cheek, but remember, Rome was not built in a day!

  • Employees in the western hemisphere will work in shifts to cater to Indian customers
  • There will be client shutdowns during the Dasara and Diwali festivals – around October and November every year
  • It is also likely that employees in the western hemisphere will be asked to take mandatory leaves during the Indian festivals
  • US and Europe based companies will find it a matter of pride to be listed on NSE and BSE
  • India has started to put a cap on work visas due to a deluge of immigrants flowing into the country
  • Students from western hemisphere are raring to study in India, in hopes of getting a job and getting settled in permanently
  • A number of immigrants, mainly from the western hemisphere are delivering babies in India, as it is found to be an easy passage for gaining Indian citizenship
  • Narendra Modi’s wax statue is a permanent fixture across all Madame Tussaud’s museums around the world

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