The ITIL V4 Foundation certification was launched late last month and not many things have changed from an exam perspective, from the format front.
In this post, you will understand the type of questions you might expect on the ITIL V4 Foundation certification exam.
Exam Format
As in ITIL V3 Foundation exam, the exam poses 40 questions and you have an hour to answer.
Each question carries 1 mark.
You will be given four options and only one of them is the correct answer. So, either you get it right or you don’t. There aren’t partially correct answers as in the ITIL V3 intermediate exams.
If English is not your mother tongue, then you can claim an additional 15 minutes. You might not need it but use it anyway to conduct thorough reviews.
Types of Questions to Expect
As in the past, ITIL V4 Foundation exam checks your understanding of the framework’s concepts. So you might expect a number of questions asking you a direct question and the answer hiding in plain sight as one of the choices.
What you could also expect are questions where phrases and sentences are posed as questions with a missing word. So in order to get this right, you need to be well versed with the ITIL definitions and some photographic memory would come in handy.
There have been questions with a list of statements and you need to select the correct set of statements based on the posing question.
Also, you could expect a couple of negative questions which may start with – Which of the following is not a ….
In terms of statistics from Bloom perspective, expect about 9 questions from Bloom level 1 which tests your memory or recall power.
The rest of the 31 questions are Bloom level 2 which tests your understanding through list, circuitous and negative questions.
Passing Grade
You need to get 26 or more right to become ITIL V4 Foundation certified. That’s 65% or higher percentage to aim for.
I don’t have the statistics around how many people have passed or flunked the exam yet.
I plan to take the ITIL Foundation exam this year, but notice it is updated to V4.
I have gathered study materials on the ITIL V3 and I was wondering if I should study it or disregard it. Thanks.
If you have already studied for ITIL V3, then go ahead and take it. A bridge course between V3 and V4 can be done at any time.
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