GeekNewsTim Cooks Admits that He’s Gay and is Proud of the FactAbhinav KaiserOctober 30, 2014December 14, 2018 by Abhinav KaiserOctober 30, 2014December 14, 201801124 CEO of the most envied company in the world, Timothy D Cook has publicly admitted that he is gay and is proud to be one....
GeekApple Launches iPhone 4S and not iPhone 5 as SpeculatedAbhinav KaiserOctober 5, 2011December 13, 2018 by Abhinav KaiserOctober 5, 2011December 13, 201801187 Apple made history by launching a new iPhone in its fall music event, which is totally unheard of off late. Generally iPhones are released in...