ITIL 4 Foundation Certification Book in the Works

Before the end of the year, you will be able to access my new book that I am currently working on – on ITIL 4 Foundation certification.

Since the ITIL 4’s launch, I have received several emails asking for an upgrade to my ITIL V3 Foundation book – Become ITIL Foundation Certified in 7 Days. I didn’t think I was going to refresh it, but when my publisher approached me, I changed my mind.

The new book will be called Become ITIL 4 Foundation Certified, going with my theme of getting a certification in 7 days while doing a full time job.

The book, although it clearly falls in a study guide category, it has two bonus chapters which is unique to books in this category.

  1. A chapter on DevOps which runs through all the major concepts including continuous integration and continuous delivery is included.
  2. A chapter on career advice and FAQs on ITIL based careers, especially in the age of DevOps and Digital.

I started writing this book earlier this month and I am working full steam to get this book out by August/September.

In the meantime, if you have any questions on ITIL 4 or its certification, fire away.

Just to let you know, ITIL V3 is not dead (yet). You can still get a certification and the framework by itself is evergreen as long as the area is pure service management and for DevOps projects, there’s always my book on adapting ITIL V3 for DevOps projects – Reinventing ITIL in the Age of DevOps.

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Babul Miah October 28, 2020 at 8:08 PM

Hi Abhinav,
If I buy the book “ITIL 4 Foundation Certified” does this mean that I would not need to buy the boo “Become ITIL Foundation Certified in 7 Days” because the new one contains everything that is on the current book plus the addition of ITIL4? Or would the new book simply contain the additions that is introduced in ITIL 4 and I need to have both the book.
For clarification I need to get ITIL v3 and v4 certification and was thinking to purchase your Become ITIL Foundation Certified in 7 Days book.
Thank you.

Abhinav Kaiser October 29, 2020 at 3:20 AM


If I understand you correctly, you want to get both ITIL V3 and ITIL 4 certifications. If that is the case, then both the books are needed. The syllabus for both the exams are different, so you would need both of them.


Babul Miah October 30, 2020 at 9:38 PM

Hi Abhinav,

Thank you for the reply. Yes you are right in your assumption and I have now ordered the v3 book. When is the v4 book coming out or have you already published it? If not can you add me in any renouncement list you may have to let me know when the book is released. My email is

By the way, in my brief research in trying to find a book for ITIL 3, I found that your book is the best that I have came across (my company as contract with ORielly so I could read the books online).

As I read your book I can instantly relate to real life situation. I tried few other books and I just could not get excited and could not remember what I read once I close the web page. But with yours I could because you constantly relate to real life companies and products.

So thank you. You have put a lot of efforts and intelligence in these materials. I wish you would also setup a certification course. Or do you already do that?


Abhinav Kaiser October 31, 2020 at 3:12 AM

I am glad you liked my book on V3. The ITIL 4 version of the book is getting released in December. I will drop you a note when it is in the market. Happy reading!

Babul Miah October 31, 2020 at 8:23 PM

Yes please do drop me a note when the itil 4 book is released.
Thank you and kind regards,

Abhinav Kaiser November 28, 2020 at 3:21 AM

Babul – ITIL 4 foundation book is now published. Link.


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