General ManagementUni-Tasking vs Multi-Tasking… And the Winner is… Perils of Multi-TAskingAbhinav KaiserApril 14, 2022April 14, 2022 by Abhinav KaiserApril 14, 2022April 14, 202203565 How often is it that you get hit by a ton of bricks, and you enjoy the moment. Crazy right, it happened to me. I...
General Management5 Time Management Techniques that Work Every Single TimeAbhinav KaiserMarch 14, 2022March 12, 2022 by Abhinav KaiserMarch 14, 2022March 12, 202204181 “It is not enough to be busy. The question is, ‘What are we busy about?’” – Henry David Thoreau A topic that is discussed from...
General ManagementThe Mystery behind Unproductivity at Work is Deciphered; the Answer is ImplausibleAbhinav KaiserAugust 26, 2021August 26, 2021 by Abhinav KaiserAugust 26, 2021August 26, 202101893 It is no enigma that most organizations vie for maximum productivity from their employees. Whether they state it openly or not, they know that the...
General ManagementJobs - OfficesManaging Office Emails for Super ProductivityAbhinav KaiserJanuary 22, 2020January 22, 2020 by Abhinav KaiserJanuary 22, 2020January 22, 202003548 Emails are a boon and a bane. While it gives me the flexibility to remove the real-time barrier, it is one of the factors that...
General ManagementLeadershipWhy do IT Professionals Fail? This is How you Fix It.Abhinav KaiserApril 6, 2016December 12, 2018 by Abhinav KaiserApril 6, 2016December 12, 201801425 IT professionals or people from any of the professions for that matter have a number of tasks that they need to carry out. Some days...
CommunicationGeneral ManagementITSM and ITILMother of all IT Sins: Not ProofreadingAbhinav KaiserJune 23, 2015December 13, 2018 by Abhinav KaiserJune 23, 2015December 13, 201802074 In IT, even if we are in the technical specializations, we will end up writing a document that supports the technical work. Most of us...
GeekGeneral ManagementThe Palette Solution for CollaborationAbhinav KaiserFebruary 10, 2015December 12, 2018 by Abhinav KaiserFebruary 10, 2015December 12, 201801427 Organizations have spent millions in coming up with ways to make collaboration happen. They have sampled, tested and piloted a number of applications to help...
General ManagementJobs - Offices6 Tips for Becoming a Better People ManagerAbhinav KaiserAugust 11, 2014December 12, 2018 by Abhinav KaiserAugust 11, 2014December 12, 201811328 People management is a skill that you can never master fully. Even after leading teams for a number of years, you will be amazed to...