Digital TransformationLeadership5 Principles of Virtual Leadership for Leading Teams Effectively during the WFH EraAbhinav KaiserJanuary 4, 2022December 30, 2021 by Abhinav KaiserJanuary 4, 2022December 30, 202102259 As we approach 2022, we are at that two-year mark of having been familiarized, ravaged and compromised by the covid-19 virus. Many of us started...
Jobs - OfficesReal Life Example : Employees Win Back their Beloved People ManagerAbhinav KaiserSeptember 4, 2014December 12, 2018 by Abhinav KaiserSeptember 4, 2014December 12, 201801337 This is a touching story and a booster dose for all the people managers and wanna-be people managers. The story in short goes something like...
General ManagementJobs - Offices6 Tips for Becoming a Better People ManagerAbhinav KaiserAugust 11, 2014December 12, 2018 by Abhinav KaiserAugust 11, 2014December 12, 201811317 People management is a skill that you can never master fully. Even after leading teams for a number of years, you will be amazed to...
Jobs - OfficesHow Managers can Leverage on Employee’s Body Chemistry for Effective DeliveryAbhinav KaiserJuly 1, 2014December 12, 2018 by Abhinav KaiserJuly 1, 2014December 12, 201801060 Sure you have heard of people with high morals commit acts that fall on the unethical spheres. Some are dealt stringently but most are let...
CommunicationProject ManagementProject Management starts with People ManagementAbhinav KaiserJune 11, 2014December 14, 2018 by Abhinav KaiserJune 11, 2014December 14, 201811319 Organizations tend to keep wide distances between project and people managers. Some of the biggest multi-national corporations boast on the structure that shields project managers...
General ManagementProject ManagementTips on Handling a Problem Team Member on your ProjectAbhinav KaiserJuly 26, 2011December 13, 2018 by Abhinav KaiserJuly 26, 2011December 13, 201801115 Oh there is a problem alright. And it starts with the fact that you have a boss, peer or project team member who is completely...